Twenty thousand parasites under the sea: a multidisciplinary approach to parasite communities of deep-dwelling fishes from the slopes of the Balearic Sea NW Mediterranean
Títol: Twenty thousand parasites under the sea: a multidisciplinary approach to parasite communities of deep-dwelling fishes from the slopes of the Balearic Sea NW Mediterranean
Director/a: Padros Bover, Francesc
Montserrat Solé Rovira
Carrasson Lopez de Letona, Maite
Autoria: Dallares Villar, Sara Maria;Montserrat Solé Rovira, ;Carrasson Lopez de Letona, Maite;Padros Bover, Francesc
Autor/a: Dallares Villar, Sara Maria
Data de defensa: 2017
Tipus de document: Tesi
Procedència:Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona