The DEpth of Endoscopic Perforation scale to assess intraoperative perforations during transurethral resection of bladder tumor: subgroup analysis of a randomized controlled trial
Títol: The DEpth of Endoscopic Perforation scale to assess intraoperative perforations during transurethral resection of bladder tumor: subgroup analysis of a randomized controlled trial
Autors: Diana, P; Fontana, M; Territo, A; Gaya, JM; Huguet, J; Piana, A; Verri, P; Baboudjian, M; Aumatell, J; Breda, A; Gallioli, A; Rodriguez-Faba, O; Algaba, F; Palou, J
Investigadors/es (PRC): Breda, Alberto
Algaba Arrea, Fernando
Gallioli, Andrea
Rodriguez Faba, Oscar
Palou Redorta, Juan
Publicació relacionada: WORLD JOURNAL OF UROLOGY
Data de publicació: 2023
Tipus de document: Article
Publicat a: WORLD JOURNAL OF UROLOGY, 2023, vol. 41, núm. 10, p. 2583-2589
Publicat per: SPRINGER
ISSN: 0724-4983
DOI: 10.1007/s00345-022-04052-w
Procedència:Institut de Recerca Hospital de Sant Pau – IR Sant Pau